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sAVe the Disk 1.4.2
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sAVe the Disk 1.4.2
sAVe the Disk 1.4.2 is a FreeWare system extension (aka INIT) which will
alleviate the excessive disk drive hits experienced by owners of AV Macs
in the following circumstances:
1) Several Resource Manager operations flush the whole file to disk each
time the length of a resource file is changed. This significantly degrades
performance if many such changes occur in succession, e.g. while linking
programs, using ResEdit or running resource compilers.
2) The disk cache built into the system writes back more data than necessary
when flushed. This does not affect proper operation of the disk cache (nor
does it help it :^) but results in superfluous disk activity and thus a slow
down of file operations.
3) Each time a sound channel is allocated (disposed) some information is read
from (written to) the file DSP Preferences. Applications which follow Apple's
recommendations create and destroy such a channel for each single sound they
produce and thus slow down while they torture your harddisk. This problem
becomes most obvious with games.
Note that the extension AV Speedup 1.0 (developed by Matt Gough and Brian Stroud)
addresses only the first set of problems. AV Resource Manager Tuner and AV Cache
Tuner (by Steve Kiene, MindVision Software) improve the Resource Manager and the
disk cache respectively. Their functionality has been integrated into sAVe the
Disk, which adds a solution for the sound related disk trashing, too.
Version 1.2 of the System Enabler 088 does also fix the Resource Manager as well
as the disk cache problems. However sAVe the Disk 1.4.2 will still improve the
performance of the Sound Manager in this configuration.
Simply drop the sAVe the Disk extension onto the icon of the closed system
folder and let the Finder place it in the Extensions folder. Then restart your
machine. sAVe the Disk 1.4.2 will load and display its icon while it installs
itself during start-up.
You should also remove your other AV Mac tuning extensions like
AV Resource Manager, AV Cache Tuner or AV Speedup: sAVe the Disk 1.4.2 replaces
them all. Leaving them active will cause no harm (but no additional benefits
either), it will only become difficult to tell which extension finally remains
Does it work?
The following is a simple way to test if sAVe the Disk is operating properly. In
the Finder select Page Setup from the File menu and click _outside_ the dialog
box several times. The system beep should sound for each click. However disk
activity should only occur prior to the first beep when the actual sound data is
read from its resource inside the system file. There should be no disk hits for
the repeated sounds. Compare this with the ongoing disk accesses before you
installed sAVe the Disk. Now you could enjoy one of your former favorite games
without disk noise and without jerky delays degrading animation.
If it doesn't work
As sAVe the Disk uses less than 2k of system memory plus the size of your DSP
Preferences file (usually less than 0.5k), there should always be sufficient
memory available.
Other possible problems include:
- the ROM version is not 1917 (0x770), e.g. you are trying to install sAVe on a
non-AV Mac. Don't do that, sAVe provides no benefits on non-AV Macs.
- your DSP Preferences file is either corrupt or incompatible with the type of
AV Mac (660/840) you are using and cannot be deleted. Unprotect or delete the
file manually.
- the file DSP Preferences uses a newer format which sAVe does not recognize.
Since the format of this file is not documented (only the system calls to
store/retrieve info) Apple is free to change it. There might be an updated
version of sAVe available or you could trash the newer prefs file and let sAVe
maintain the info in the older format. Try this at your own risk!
No icon will be displayed during start-up and no changes to the system will be
made, if any of the above problems prevents proper installation.
I developed and tested sAVe the Disk on my Centris/Quadra 660av running System
7.1 and version 1.2 of the System Enabler 088, but it is known to work on a
Quadra 840av, too. Some additional testing has been done older Enablers.
Although it has not caused me any trouble I'm not responsible for any (unlikely)
problems you may experience.
Please note that sAVe the Disk does _not_ fix the problems with games which
write to the (on the AV Macs nonexistent) Apple Sound Chip directly and
therefore produce no sound at all. You should contact the publisher of such
software and ask for a fix or update.
Feel free to contact me at the address given below if you encounter any problems
related to sAVe the Disk 1.4.2.
Known Problems
sAVe the Disk works differently than the original system code, if the size of
the preference data associated with a given selector changes. This should cause
no trouble however, because the original code simply corrupts the prefs file :^)
If you experience problems with the Photoshop DSP plug-in, remember that all
existing version of RamDoubler (latest version is 1.0.2) are incompatible with
this plug-in. As far as I know sAVe the Disk does not cause the freezes.
How does it work?
(optional reading)
1) Resource Manager
FlushFile is head-patched to ignore all calls from the Resource Manager. It
checks its return address on the stack against the location of the FlushFile
call inside the Resource Manager routines in ROM. As this won't work if
somebody tail-patched FlushFile, the patch will also search through the chain
of open resource files maintained by the Resource Manager and will keep all
members from getting flushed. However a flag is set/cleared by a patch to
UpdateResFile which will cause all FlushFile calls from inside UpdateResFile
to be still performed. Thus UpdateResFile (and CloseResFile which calls
UpdateResFile) still flush the file to disk to ensure data integrity in case
of a system crash. The new patching scheme is simpler than that used by
previous versions of sAVe and keeps additional Resource Manger calls
(SetResInfo, SetResAttrs) from flushing the file to disk each time, resulting
in a significant performance gain while basically keeping the same level of
data security. As a side effect revert-type commands in ResEdit should work
now (at least more often than before).
2) Disk Cache
The FlushCache trap (0xA0C0) is augmented with an additional check, which
keeps cached disk blocks from getting written back in situations where the
File System is simply iterating over nodes in the catalog. An additional
check, which causes sectors to be always written out, was introduced to work
around a bug in the Mac Plus ROMs. This resulted in a slow down of some
operations, but made the File System work reliable. When the check for that
ancient ROM bug was removed in the AV ROMs, the code probably got mixed up
and was changed to again always write sectors back to disk. The patched trap,
however, will honor the bug-free ROMs (at least in this respect) and skip
the write back whenever possible.
The above two sets of patches are only applied if a version of the System
Enabler 088 older than 1.2 is present, otherwise sAVe the Disk lets the Enabler
fix these parts of the system.
3) DSP Preferences
Two subfunctions of the DSPDispatch trap (ABF5) access the file DSP
Preferences inside the Preferences folder and cause the sound related disk
hits (selector 0x121 to read info, 0x5F to update the info). Both
subfunctions are replaced by entirely new routines modelled after the
originals. The contents of the DSP Preferences are read into a relocatable
block inside the system heap during start-up. Accesses to preference data
just read the info from memory, update it in memory or grow the block and
append new information. A shutdown handler will finally update the file on
disk (if any info was added/updated) before you restart or shutdown your
Macintosh. This should cause no problems as the DSP Preferences file is small
(usually less than 500 bytes) and the updated information records past DSP
performance data as an estimate for future uses. Thus it is no real problem
if a system crash should keep the data from getting written back. The
estimates used will just be slightly less accurate as they result from older
Another subfunction of the DSPDispatch trap is used to repeatedly read a
resource of type 'dspf' from the System Enabler 088 and will DetachResource
in order to return a non-resource handle to its caller. Thus the resource
data is read from disk each time, still resulting in sound related disk
trashing under the 1.0 Enabler. With the 1.1 Enabler the system's disk cache
was usually able to prevent actual disk access. A head-patch to the
DSPGetResource subfunction (0x124) will handle requests for resources of type
'dspf' and use HandToHand in order to copy the requested data into a new
non-resource handle. The original resource handle is marked purgable so that
its 4.5k can be reclaimed if the system runs out of memory (the resource will
be reread from disk the next time it is accessed). For resource types other
than 'dspf' and in case of any error the patch invokes the original ROM code.
The ROM code seems to support an additional special resource file, which is
examined if a request can't be satisfied by the currently open files.
Although this feature appears to be currently unused, the fallback to the
original routine should guarantee 100% compatibility.
If you want to trash your DSP Preferences file because it has grown too large,
proceed as follows: restart your Mac and put the file into the trash before any
sound is produced (except the usual noise at start-up). Hold down the SHIFT-key
during start-up to prevent other extensions from accessing the Sound Manager
before the Finder has been started, if required. Restart your Mac again, when
the file has been trashed. After the first sound has been played the data kept
in memory is updated and will be completely rewritten at shutdown (or prior to
a restart) even if you trashed the prefs file.
The Original Note on 840AV Disk-Trashing
(as distributed with AV Speedup 1.0)
There are at least two serious disk-related bugs in the 840AV, which have been
verified by DTS:
1) ChangedResource now flushes the resource's entire file out to disk. This is
first noticeable during a System install, when the Installer will take several
minutes to construct the System file. But it is most heinous during MPW Rez
and Link. My project takes 5 to 10 times longer to build (than on an 800)
because the entire file is written to disk hundreds or thousands of times in
rapid succession as each resource is added to my app. Of course, this bug will
make any program run slower if it adds, changes or deletes resources.
2) SndDisposeChannel will hit the disk for some retarded reason. Apple says
the DSP chip is behind this. Every time a system beep is played, for example,
you'll notice a couple of "ca-chunks" from your hard disk. This is especially
harsh on sound-intensive applications (like games). Many games slow down to a
jerky crawl because they typically call SndDisposeChannel after each sampled
sound completes. The workaround is to leave a sound channel open and reuse
it for each sampled sound until you quit or suspend your app.
Apple DTS classifies these bugs as "goofinesses", and currently offers no plans
to fix them.
Todd Ouzts
Author: DAYNA
Many Thanks To...
Dave Schutz for the original icon (taken from his Colossal Icons collection).
Otherwise sAVe the Disk would have to go with the default icon for system
extensions and would have no super hero to stand behind its noble aim.
Kurt Wiley for the modified icons which add the conformant look of a system
extension to sAVe the Disk.
Matt Gough and Brian Stroud who brought the Resource Manager deficiencies to my
attention and made me put my vague ideas about a solution to the sound problem
into actual code. From their AV Speedup distribution I got to know that there
was no point in waiting for a fix from DTS (see note above).
Steve Kiene who suggested a simpler and more effective solution for the Resource
Manager problems and inspired the addition of the disk cache fix. Check out his
AV Turbo ROM control panel, if you want to see your AV Mac run faster than ever
before (and you have 2 Megs of RAM to spare :-(). He provided some insights on
the nature of the disk cache bug, too.
Malcolm Slaney from the ATG Perception Group who made the source to the DSP
related application VUMeter publicly available. The included headers shed some
light onto the DSP trap interface and turned mysterious entities into
comprehensible data structures.
Patrick C. Beard who placed his ShowIconFamily code in the public domain. He
made the successful installation of sAVe the Disk visible.
Legal Stuff
sAVe the Disk 1.4.2 is provided free of charge but remains copyright Michael
Thies. It may not be sold for profit but may otherwise be distributed freely in
unmodified form and complete with this unaltered documentation. It may be
included with ShareWare or commercial products, if I have been informed of the
intended bundling in advance and it is made clear that sAVe the Disk itself
comes free of charge and does not form part of the actual product sold.
sAVe the Disk 1.4.2 is provided in the hope that it will be useful but comes
with _absolutely_ NO warranty.
It was developed with THINK C 7.0 (free upgrade from 6.0.1) so parts of it may be
Copyright Symantec Corporation.
Several terms used above are trademarks of their respective holders.
Version History
1.0 11/23/93 Initial Version
1.1 11/25/93 - fixed bug which could prevent access to prefs file
- UpdateGPBPrefFile subfunction will read prefs file into
memory, if GetGPBModes was never called before
- Resource Manager patches are more robust. Even in case of
errors no call to FlushFile should get accidently ignored.
- Icon gets displayed during start-up if installation
- fine-tuned code
1.1.1 12/04/93 - added compatibility with version 1.0 of the System Enabler
(additional work will be needed to prevent ALL disk
trashing with the 1.0 Enabler)
- more work done at installation time => less resident code
1.2 12/05/93 - work around for 1.0 Enabler added: no more disk trashing
- no reliance on systems's disk cache with any Enabler
- resident code nearly back to old (v1.1) size :-(
1.2.1 12/07/93 - create copy of 'dspf' resource in heap zone where resource
was loaded (application vs. system heap)
1.3 12/18/93 - prefs file read at start-up => less resident code
- take full advantage of sys 7 file specs => even less code
- simpler, better, faster Resource Manager patch
- added disk cache patch
- more reliable if new prefs settings are to be added while
system heap cannot grow
- improved icons
1.3.1 01/05/94 - tail-patches to FlushFile no longer disable Resource Manager
patch (more reliable but slower secondary test added)
- only FlushFile calls from inside UpdateResFile are honored
(and calls from outside the Resource Manager)
- sensible behaviour if size of prefs data associated with a
given selector changes
- stream-lined balloon help
1.3.2 02/15/94 - icon plotting during start-up takes advantage of sys 7 icon
- special debug mode added, rename extension to "sAVe %"
1.3.3 04/30/94 - disk cache patch works even if the relevant trap has already
been patched by other extensions
1.4 05/22/94 - recognizes 1.2 Enabler and suppresses redundant patches
- removed debug mode
1.4.1 05/29/94 - better error checking added, when determining version of
System Enabler
1.4.2 06/18/94 - fixed strange bug, where sAVe hung during start-up with the
1.0 and 1.1 Enabler
I am always interested in comments, suggestions and bug reports (sigh).
Michael Thies (thiesana@uni-paderborn.de)
Fachbereich Informatik
Universitaet-Gesamthochschule Paderborn